For anyone with chronic disease, atopic diseases eg asthma, eczema, hay fever, or those with general symptoms of unwellness, sore joints, aching muscles, fatigue, headaches, acne & constipation,
For anyone with chronic disease, atopic diseases eg asthma, eczema, hay fever, or those with general symptoms of unwellness, sore joints, aching muscles, fatigue, headaches, acne & constipation,
Erectile dysfunction (ED, "male impotence") is sexual dysfunction characterised by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance.
Fever indicates your child is healthy, however, can evoke fear & anxiety for parents. Complications of fever & accompanying symptoms give rise to questions when raising your chidlren naturally.
Geert Vanden Bossche states that the innate immune system is equipped with potent humoral and cellular effectors including, innate antibodies and natural killer cells, that abrogate viral infection, and that these innate cells are a crucial component of the humoral (antibody-mediated) immune system (2).
Toxic chemicals that enter the body are fat-soluble, which means they dissolve only in fatty or oily solutions & not in water, making them difficult for the body to excrete.
Burning plastic releases carbon monoxide, dioxins & furans the most toxic chemicals known to science, remove microplastics from your tap water and stop buying plastic bottles immediately.
Vitamin D regulates our natural immune system, important not only in immune deficiency diseases but also in conditions of a hyperactive immune system such as seen in autoimmune disease.
Fever in children is common and in most part caused by benign self-limiting infections, meaning the prognosis is good and it will run its own course.
Heavy metals occur naturally in our environment, however, in modern times anthropogneic (man-made) pollution, has introduced high concentrations of heavy metals in our water, food and air supply causing toxic metal accumulation.
Autoimmune diseases result from the failure of an organism to recognise its own constituent parts as self, which allows an immune response against its own cells & tissues.
From a natural medicine perspective there are dietary, lifestyle, supplement & herbal medicine advice that will address the causes of psoriasis & alleviate the symptoms.
In previous articles on Geert Vanden Bossche's Voice for Science and Solidarity I described numerous phytochemicals that epigenetically and metabolically reprogramme innate immune cells to create a ‘memory’ of a pathogen, as a priming tool for an improved host response (2).