Autoimmune diseases result from the failure of an organism to recognise its own constituent parts as self, which allows an immune response against its own cells & tissues.
Adrenal exhaustion is the term used to describe the state when adrenal glands are exhausted and unable to produce adequate quantities of hormones, primarily the glucocorticoid cortisol, and adrenalin produced in the adrenal medulla.
From a natural medicine perspective there are dietary, lifestyle, supplement & herbal medicine advice that will address the causes of psoriasis & alleviate the symptoms.
Kidney stones (ureterolithiasis) result from stones or renal calculi in the ureter. The stones are solid concretions or calculi (crystal aggregations) formed in the kidneys from dissolved urinary minerals.
For anyone with chronic disease, atopic diseases eg asthma, eczema, hay fever, or those with general symptoms of unwellness, sore joints, aching muscles, fatigue, headaches, acne & constipation,
Burning plastic releases carbon monoxide, dioxins & furans the most toxic chemicals known to science, remove microplastics from your tap water and stop buying plastic bottles immediately.
Vitamin D regulates our natural immune system, important not only in immune deficiency diseases but also in conditions of a hyperactive immune system such as seen in autoimmune disease.
Contaminant removed by Carahealth Eco Gravity Water Filters include 99.99% of, e coli, fluoride & chemicals, microplastics, heavy metals & suspended solids from your drinking water.
Nerve rings, also referred to as neurovascular cramp rings, are depressions in the iris stroma that indicate an individual has some degree of nerve tension or anxiety.