Carina Harkin
Carina Harkin MPH.BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom.BHSc.Acu.Cert. IV TAE
Qualified in Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Public Health, I specialise in treating antimicrobial reisistant disease, natural parenting and fertility, biotransformation (detoxification) of heavy metals and plastics and healthy ageing.
I hold 3 internationally transferable level 8 (EQF/AQF/NFQ/Level 6 Ofqual recognised by NARIC) honours science degrees in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM); a degree in Acupuncture, Naturopathy (Herbal Medicine/Nutrition) and Homeopathy, having trained in Australia which is at the forefront of natural medicine training. I am the first person in the world to attain 3 degrees in CAM. In addition I hold a Masters in Public Health and am aiming to complete a PHD in Biomedicine. I have been in private practice for 20 years offering treatments in 3 modalities and tailoring treatment protocols to suit individual needs. Being trained in pharmacology and having worked in pharmacies, I am adept in drug/nutrient and drug/herb safety whereby I practice pharmacognosy, matching the pharmacological action of drugs with natural alternative compounds. I have experience using organic pharmacy grade herbs and herbal extracts to treat antimicrobial resistant diseases including MRSA, MDR-TB, MDR Staph. aureus, K. pneumonia, E. coli, Haemophilus influenza, MDR Candida and neglected tropical diseases including Dengue, Ross River/ Barmah Forest virus Lyme borreliosis, and the rising tide of non communicable disease (NCD) including autoimmune, allergic and inflammatory disease. I worked in Public Health as an acupuncturist in Australia's busiestEmergency Department (A&E) at the Northern Hospital Epping, Melbourne and also in Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne’s Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit. I conducted a world first prospective, randomised, placebo controlled trial at the Northern Hospital comparing acupuncture to western drugs for pain relief. The trial was so successful it paved the way for an acupuncture roll-out across 4 Melbourne hospitals. My ultimate goal is to see the integration of CAM into mainstream healthcare completing a Masters in Public Health. The WHO is looking at the role Traditional Medicines have in keeping populations healthy and I want to play my part in shaping future Public Health Policy to improve Global Health outcomes using Traditional Medicines. My Master's dissertation was entitled A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Plant-derived Antimicrobials (PDAms) to treat WHO Priority Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) Pathogens .

My other interests include environmental health concerns in the air and water that lead to bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) also called persistent toxic substances (PTS), particularly heavy metals and plastics (both ingested BPA/phthalates and inhaled dioxins/furans), and enhancing biotransformation using herbal medicine. Contrary to medical opinion detoxification is not quackery. In medical terms excess toxins are called bioaccumulation of xenobiotics and detoxification is called biotransformation. Biotransformation is the process of supporting Phase and Phase II liver detoxification process, which is actually misnomer as these processes can also occur in kidney, intestine, lung, skin, prostate and brain. Biotransformation is assisted though therapeutic fasting, nutritional supplementation and herbal medicine.
I have worked as an acupuncturist and sports nutritionist/ herbalist for an Australian Rules Football team where I recommended natural ergogenic aids to boost performance in professional athletes as recommended by the Australian Institute of Sport and used acupuncture to promote recovery and enhance performance. As a naturopath, I have also raised a family naturally, without the use of western medication. I am a strong advocate for natural immunity and an active healthy lifestyle.There is not a childhood disease I have not seen nor cannot treat. My Cert. IV TAE is a teaching qualification, the minimum Australian qualification required ot teach in your vocation.
Carina Harkin MPH.BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom. BHSc.Acu.Cert.IV.TAE.
Publications click to view pdf
- Carina Harkin and Dr Robyn Parker, A Prospective, Randomised Control Trial of Acupuncture for Select Common Conditions within the Emergency Department, Journal of Chinese Medicine, Number 85, pp 45-52., October 2007
- Carina Harkin, Effect of Homeopathic Calcium on Bone Density, Homoeopathic Links, Vol. 21: 1–6 6. Spring 2008.
- Carina Harkin, Auricular Acupuncture for Work Related Illness; Musculoskeletal Disorders and Stress Anxiety and Depression, Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.1 (2020): 153-158.
- Carina Harkin, Drinking Water and Public Health Risk, Med Clin Res, 4 (1) 2019
Conferences: Presenter/ Moderator/ Chair EurSciCon, Conference Series and Allied Academies
• Health Risks of Heavy Metals (WHO report summary) and Enhancing Biotransformation using Metal-Binding Plant Lignans; Metallothioneins and Phytochelatins found in Chinese Herbs.
• The Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and How Herbal Medicine can Address Each Resistance Mechanism to Reduce the Global Burden of AMR.
• Plastic Bioaccumulation, Health Implications and Enhancing Biotransformation using Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements.
• A Prospective, Randomised Control Trial of Acupuncture for Select Common Conditions within the Emergency Department.
• Determining the effect of a homeopathic medium potency of calcium on the bone density of women as measured by bone ultrasonometry: a pilot study comprising one year.
• Annual Influenza Vaccine Review of Current Attitudes, Effectiveness and Natural Evidence Based Alternatives in the likelihood of Influenza Pandemic.
• Auricular Acupuncture (AA) for Work Related Illness (WRI); Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and Stress, Anxiety and Depression (SAD).