History of Iridology
The true originator of Iridology was a Hungarian physician named Dr Ignatz von Peczely.
Dr. Ignatz von Peczely - Founder of Iridology.
At age11, Dr. von Peczely noticed an owl in a tree in his backyard, he tried to catch the owl & accidentally broke one of the owl's legs. He then noticed a dark stripe develop in the lower part of the owl's iris. He dressed the owl's leg and nursed it back to health and let it go. However, the owl stayed around and later he noticed the appearance of white and crooked lines in the part of the iris where the dark stripe had been. Thus, The Birth of Iridology was about 1861.
Nils Liljequist At the same time Dr. von Peczely was involved with his owl, Nils Liljequist of Sweden, 14 years old, was vaccinated and became sick with enlargement of the lymph glands of the neck, coughing, malaria, influenza and pains in the limbs. He was treated with external applications of iodine and was finally prescribed Quinine. As years passed he observed his irises changing more and more and in 1871 he published a paper entitled: "Quinine And Iodine Change The Colour Of The Iris; I Formerly Had Blue Eyes, They Are Now A Greenish Colour With Reddish Spots". In 1864 he broke 2 ribs and noticed the changes in his iris. In 1893 he published an atlas with 258 black and white drawings and 12 coloured double-iris drawings called "Diagnosis From The Eye".
Versions of Iridology Charts
Dr. Bernard Jensen Chart
Peter Thiel Iridologist from Germany
Heinrich Hense Iridologist from Germany
Boris de Bardo Iridologist from France
Dr. Manuel Lazaeta Acharan Iridologist from Chili
Personal Iridology Readings
Personal Iridology Readings can be arranged by emailing in pics of your eye L&R wide open no lid, as close as possible using a normal camera. Book A Personal Iridology Reading Below:
For further details on this topic, to lecture for your group or institution on this subject. or to arrange an online appointment contact Carina
Carina Harkin BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom.BHSc.Acu.
Cert IV TAE. ARCHTI mem.