Iridology Glossary of Terms
Iridology is based on the premise that every organ in the body has a corresponding location within the iris of the eye, which serves as an indicator of the organ's health or disease.
Glossary of terms
Angle of Fuch's: This is when the Collarette is extremely raised (looks like a mountain range) and it means that there is difficult assimilation, absorption and putrefaction.
Central Heterochromia: Is pigment in nutritive zone or around the collarette. This indicates a tendency to malabsorption and toxins in nutritive zone. Colour varies according to which organs or tissue systems are involved.
Ciliary Zone: This is the area of the iris outside the collarette to the iris edge. (Where you see the iris fibres).
Collarette: In American Iridology is known as the ANW. It separates the nutritive zone from the rest of the ciliary body. If it is tight it shows stricture, contraction, irritability, and inflammation. Undefined Collarette indicates spasms, colic, neurological disturbances and a delicate nervous system.
Thick and raised collarette indicates gastrointestinal problems, food intolerance, lymphatic insufficiency and environmental sensitivity.
Misshapen, thick, and indented collarette indicates stricture, deformation, and motor disturbances.
Absences of collarette indicate spasms, appetite disorders and mineral absorption problems. If the collarette is jagged it shows irritation to the gastrointestinal system.
Wide Collarette = outgoing, more sensitive, can get scattered easily.
Tight Collarette = reserved, uses caution. Outside stress causes retreat, introverted.
Density: Is measure of resistance (inherited strength). How well you resist negative influences. For example, a strong body will be able to resist all negative influences for a longer period of time.
Nutritive Zone: This is the area between the pupil and the collarette (the gastrointestinal system).
Pinguecula: Is a yellow fatty "blob" that arises from the sclera. In most cases, this indicates that the body is not handling fats properly. "Arcus lipoides".
Prolapsus of Transverse Colon: This only means that there is connective tissue weakness in the colon. It does not meant that the transverse colon has dropped down or is sagging.
Psora: Pigments that are gathering to protect organ reaction field underneath it and to keep light from coming in.
Pterygium: This is a thick white growth appearing on the conjunctiva of the eye and is usually caused by trauma or constant irritation to the eye, such as blowing dust.
Pupil Size: Shows the condition of the autonomic nervous system. Also, when you are looking at the pupil size, you are looking at the spine. Work with the Pupil Tonus Chart. Constriction of the pupil is caused by the sphincter pupillae, a muscle encircling the pupillary margin deep inside the stroma layer. The dilator layer consists of a thin layer of plain muscle fibre. When it contracts, it draws the pupillary margin inward and this dilates the pupil.
Pupillary Margin or Pigment Ruff: Is located around the pupil. Darkly pigmented layer, an extension of Posterior epithelium. If the Pupillary Margin appears to have "holes" in it, this means diabetes. The normal colour is reddish brown. This is principally an analog for the spine.
Radials: In American Iridology, these are Iris Fibres. In the ciliary zone these are blood vessels running radially. These are enmeshed in connective tissue. They run toward the pupillary zone, through the ciliary zone of the iris. The vessels become wavy as the pupil dilates and straighten out as the pupil constricts. Also known as Trabeculae. (Trabecula = 1 & Trabeculae = 2) or radii solaris.
Rarefaction: Separation of fibres, but not lacuna or crypt.
Shading: Reactivity (the contrast between light and dark).
Light = more reactivity, inflammation, elimination or pain.
Dark = suppressed, the body cannot react sufficiently. NOTE: When there is lightness next to darkness, this means the body is trying to fight, despite a chronic condition.
Tobacco Snuffing: Dark "dots" gathered together in any area of the iris. Indicates tendency to weakness in the liver, or can mean liver damage. Some call it "peppercorns."
Topo Labile: Any marking in iris that indicates a weakness in the specific organ but can be found anywhere in the iris. The significance is determined by its structure or colour, not by its location in the iris map. For example, a brown pigment indicating liver weakness, even if it is located near the heart area.
Topo Stabile: Marking found in the iris in a specific area of the body which affects that related part of the body. In other words, a marking found in the heart area which specifically means a weakness in the heart.
Trabecula or Trabeculae: See Radials Transversal: It travels across the iris "grain." If it is white, this means inflammation or pain. The body is reacting to an abnormal situation in the body. Significance can range from inflammation to sensitivity to latent cancer depending upon configuration and location. Can also indicate the displacement of organs.
Vascular Transversal: Is a transversal that is missing the Schwann sheath or the Schwann sheath has been worn off (connective tissue). Is a more serious sign than the white transversal. Joseph Deck states that the Vascular Transversal indicates "inherited tendency to malignancy." Is pink or red in colour. Can indicate serious tissue changes, high degree of congestion and sometimes pain. Always indicates some stage of venous stagnation.
Personal Iridology Readings
Personal Iridolgy Readings can be arranged by emailing in pics of your eye L&R wide open no lid, as close as possible using a normal camera. Book A Personal Iridology Reading Below:
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