Healthy Ageing

Healthy Ageing

Brand: Carahealth

Healthy Aging & Longevity series of consultations, involves a polyphenol rich ketosis diet. A ketosis diet is in itself anti aging. A healthy weight is paramount to healthy aging. If weight is an issue then weight must be addressed and will be with this plan. If weight is not an issue, a ketosis diet does not have to be a weight loss diet and can be adapted


Healthy Aging & Longevity consultations, what to expect?

The initial consultation will ascertain what you eat and make recommendations for a ketosis diet that suits you. This will flatline insulin levels and also aim to maximising polyphenol antioxidant intake.

The second consultation will ensure firstly, that you have achieved a state of ketosis and secondly to address any issues you have surrounding the dietary recommendations and to add more recipes.

The third consultation will assist you in moving from phase 1 (short-term) into phase 2 (long-term) of the diet. Phase 2 is the keto diet for health and longevity, mimics fasting and is life extending.

Healthy Aging Effects of a Keto Diet
Lowers cholesterol: Lowers LDL & triglyceride levels and raises HDL (good cholesterol).(1)

Induce Rapid Weight Loss: Reduces body weight and body mass index.(1)

Lowers Blood Sugar: Studies show a ketosis diet can eliminate type 2 diabetes.(2, 3)

Enhances physical and cognitive performance: Ketone bodies are the most energy-efficient fuel and yield more ATP.(4)

Suppresses Appetite: High fats diets increase satiety.(5)

Starve Cancer Cells: Cancer cells need glucose for fuel. Only healthy cells can live on ketones. Studies indicate a ketosis diet is an adjunct therapeutic aid in cancer.(6, 7)

Treats neurodegenerative disease: Ketosis is neuroprotective and neuroregenerative(8) & therapeutic treatment in traumatic head injury, neurological disease (9)including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's(10)& epilepsy,(11)

Extends Life: The benefits of Calorie restriction/Keto diet are scientific fact. A Ketosis diet simulates the Calorie Restrictive Diet(12)that scientists have touted for the main reason behind Okinawan longevity.Like CR, Ketosis also activates telomerase the anti-aging enzyme. Calorie restriction increases telomerase activity and enhances autophagy (breakdown of dead cells).(13)CR improves how cells respond to stress, how they break down (autophagy), induces apoptosis (programmed cell death ie in cancer cells), and alters hormonal balance. Autophagy in particular, is quality control inside cells. It is essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and for the orchestration of an efficient cellular response to stress. Autophagic activity declines with age, and this contributes to the aging process.(14)

People who may benefit from the Vitality, Longevity and Healthy Aging plan include those who want to:

  • Slow & reverse the effects of aging.
  • Age healthily
  • Manage your weight more effectively
  • Increase muscle tone and fitness
  • Increase your energy, stamina & strength
  • Support the nutrition and health of your body
  • Decrease incidence of age-related disease
  • Look healthier & improve your quality of life

Specifically the Life Extension plan;

  • Increases expression of the Sir 2 gene, causing an increase in Telomerase, an enzyme allowing dividing cells to replace lost DNA, thus allowing unbounded division (ie. ageless cell)
  • Increases Telomerase activity
  • Lowers Homocysteine, a naturally occurring protein of which, at high levels, is associated with age related disease
  • Maximises dietary polyphenol antioxidants to prevent free radical damage
  • Improves insulin resistance
  • Improves mitochondrial function
  • Strengthens connective tissue
  • Increases digestion, absorption, assimilation & elimination
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Tonifies the adrenal glands to increase DHEA (a precursor hormone) levels to youthful levels
  • Tonifies the Vital Force
  • Replaces nutritional deficiencies
  • Flatlines insulin levels
  • To reduce cancer risks, the plan addresses the following causes of cancer;

The pathogenesis of cancer is as follows;

  • Overexpression of Tyrosine Kinase Receptor and resultant deficiency in apoptosis (15)
  • Overexpression of Cox (16)
  • Over expression IL6 (17)
  • Overexpression of TNF alpha (18)
  • Increases in ILGF (19)

Hundreds of bioactive compounds have been identified as potential modifiers of cancer, several of which are active ingredients in herbs (20)

  • Inhibits the inflammatory mediator Cox(21, 22)
  • Inhibits RTK, the enzyme responsible for tumour formation (20, 23)
  • Lower inflammatory mediators IL6 (24, 25)
  • Lowers insulin like growth factor (ILGF) (26, 27)
  • Inhibit inflammatory mediator TNF alpha (28, 29)
  • Induces Apoptosis programmed cell death (30)
  • Lowers C reactive protein (CRP) (22)
  • Inhibits betaglucuronidase (31) & aromatase, (32) enzymes associated with hormone dependent cancers.
  • Is phytoestrogen rich. Phytoestrogen consumption is associated with a significant reduction in breast, prostate and other cancer risk. (33-35)

You will receive an e-prescription including dietary, lifestyle, supplement and herbal medicine advice.

When a herb is described as anti-aging they have anti-oxidant, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory effects. Anti-aging herbs tonify the nervous system and endocrine system. Anti-aging herbs tonify the cardiovascular system by lowering cholesterol, widening coronary arteries and boosting blood flow to the heart. Anti-aging herbs protect the liver, tone up the main internal organs, settle nerves, improve eyesight and reduce blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes. Rich in antioxidants anti-aging herbs boost the immune system, slow down the process of cellular aging. Anti-aging herbs nourishe vitality, reduces excess heat, detoxify the body, calm the mind and improve mental agility. 

Your practitioner

Carina Harkin BHSc.Acu.BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom. Cert IV TAE.
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3.Yancy WS, Jr., Foy M, Chalecki AM, Vernon MC, Westman EC. A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes. Nutrition & metabolism. 2005;2:34-.

4.Murray AJ, Knight NS, Cole MA, Cochlin LE, Carter E, Tchabanenko K, et al. Novel ketone diet enhances physical and cognitive performance. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2016;30(12):4021-32.

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to be a diet for life. If you don't need to lose weight you simply add keto snacks.

Dimension (L x W x H) 0 x 0 x 0
Weight 0

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