Homeopathic First Aid Kit including Tropical Diseases
Having a Homeopathic First Aid Kit in your home gives you the ability to treat minor ailments and complaints yourself. Thankfully homeopathy is the law of similars not the law of exacts. Therefore it is relatively easy to self-prescribe a homeopathic remedy if you have a reasonable idea of the symptom picture.
The more you use first aid homeopathy the more confident you will become in prescribing acute remedies in first aid situations. It also means that when you call your homeopath for advice you may have the indicated remedy in the kit and so not have to wait for it to arrive by post or call to collect it.
How to Decide which Remedy to Take
It is clear that there are several possible remedies for some ailments. The best thing to do is start taking the remedy which seems to best fit the ailment, or which the patient feels might suit him or her best.
Take every 5 or 10 minutes if symptoms are severe or every half hourly. Expect improvement after two doses. If there is no improvement, try another remedy. If the patient starts to feel better, carry on, but take the remedy less frequently, perhaps every two hours.
Once the patient has recovered, he or she should stop taking the remedy. There is nothing to be gained by continuing to take homeopathic remedies after recovery. For further advice Ask Carina!
early stages
Early inflammation with mild symptoms Ferrum phos 30c
Deep inflammation with bruised feeling and guarding Arnica 30c
Bright red, swollen and throbbing pain, affected part < cold wind, Belladonna 30c
To form a vent, slow development, lymph nodes affected Silica 30c
Suppurative stage
Suppuration, sensitive, patient irritable and cross, Hepar sulph 30c
Violent chills, part looks like "bad meat" gravely ill, Pyrogen 30 c
Gravely ill, abscess oozes dark blood, skin dry cold mottled Crotalis horridus 30c
Healing stage
To promote healing, Calendula 30c
With shooting pain, Hypericum 30c
To dissolve scar tissue Thiosinaminum 30c
Give immediately, Arnica 30c
Where there is shock or swelling alternate Arnica 30c with any other indicated remedies, repeating as often as necessary
With great fear Aconite 30c
With fever, Aconite 30c or Arsenicum 30c
Anticipatory, with diarrhoea, Gelsemium 30c
With paralysis or trembling, chills up spine, Gelsemium 30c
See also:
Anticipatory, with diarrhoea, Arg nit 30c
Anticipatory but not agitational, Lycopodium 30c
For fear, Aconite 30c
For shock, Arnica 30c
Red, hot, swollen, shiny, > cold applications, Apis 30c
Animal bites, with shooting nerve pain, Hypericum 30c
Blue, cold, puffy, > cold applications, Ledum 30c
With shooting pain, Hypericum 30c
See also:
Bluish around bite, Lachesis 30c
Very painful, worse touch, Staphisagria 30c
Rabid Dog Bite
Belladonna 30c and Lyssin 30cgiven every day for one week followed by once a week for 6 weeks
Seek vaccination also
Mosquito Bites
Ledum 30c
Snake Bite
Extreme fear Aconite 30c
Repeated doses of Ledum 30c whilst applying First Aid
Bluish around bite Lachesis 30c
Tick Bite
In the first instance, Ledum 30c
To draw the tick out silica 30c
If suppuration occurs Hepar sulph 30c
Give straight away, Arnica 30c
The specific remedy > cold applications Ledum 30c
Injury from blunt object, Symphytum 30c
Blood blisters after injury, Arnica 30c
Blisters from new shoes, Hypericum 30c
Blisters from burns see BURNS
Early stages before head has formed, Silica 30c
Small, numerous and sore, Arnica 30c
Burning, Arsenicum 30c
Hot and throbbing, Belladonna 30c
Slow to heal, Silica 30c
See also:
Itchy, Sulphur 30c
Painful, infected, with pus, Hepar sulph 30c
Severe inflammation with blueness and a black centre Anthracinum 30c
To promote healing Alternate Hypericum 30c and Calendula 30c
If symptoms persist consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
Hard, engorged, hot, red, Belladonna 30c
Hard, engorged, hot, pale, worse movement, Bryonia 30c
Abscess with smelly, corrosive pus, Merc viv
30c too much milk, Pulsatilla 30c
Sharp pains in left breast during feeding, Silica 30c
abscess which is very slow to heal, Silica 30c
Baby vomits / has colic after breast milk, Silica 30c
See also:
If abcess with pus, extremely painful, Hepar sulph 30c also recommended:
If milk production varies greatly, Urtica urens 30c
If sore, cracked nipples, radiating pains, Phytolacca 30c
If too little milk, Dulcamara 30c
For shock Aconite 200c
Before setting and every few minutes initially, Arnica 30c
Worse for slightest movement, stitching pains, Bryonia 30c
Also recommended:
After setting
Two or three times a day Arnica 30c
Once setting is confirmed by X-Ray Symphytum 30c
Both Symphytum 6c, one dose nightly & Calc phos 6x, one dose mornings for 7 days
Of soft tissue, Arnica 30c
Also recommended: Arnica cream / ointment, but only on unbroken skin for deep tissue (e.g. contusion of breasts), Bellis perennis 30c
DO NOT REMOVE CLOTHES run under cold water first
For shock, Arnica 30c or Aconite 200c
1st degree burns
With redness and NO blistering Belladonna30c
2nd degree burns
If area of injury better hot applications, Arsenicum 30c
If area of injury better cold applications, Cantharis 30c
3rd degree burns
For deep burns, which are slow to heal, Kali bich 30
If sepsis sets in Hepar sulph 30c
Also recommended:
Urtica urens cream externally to soothe minor burns for serious burns, seek immediate medical attention
Feverish and fearful, Aconite 30c
With fever and throbbing head, Belladonna 30c
If blisters pus-filled / smelly, Merc viv 30c
With cough, thirstless, clingy, Pulsatillla 30c
Very itchy rash, extreme restlessness, Rhus tox 30c
See also:
Rash slow to emerge, with cough Ant tart 30c
Also recommended:
Use Calendula Cream / Ointment or Talc externally, but wait until rash emerges fully
Hot, itchy, worse heat, Pulsatilla 30c
Dark red inflammation, worse cold, damp, Rhus tox 30c
Also recommended:
Worse on the feet, worse for cold, Agaricus 30c
Tamus cream / ointment externally Calendula cream / ointment externally, if they break
Distinguished from diarrhoea or dysentery by severe cramping, particularly in limbs
First Stage only. Sudden prostration, cramping in calves, great chilliness, moans and groans, desire to be uncovered although chilly, Camphora 30c
Spasmodic moving cramps from arms to legs to abdomen or chest. Violent cramping with nausea and vomiting. Drinking sips of water prevents vomiting. Spasm in throat prevent speech. Wants to be covered, Cuprum metallicum 30c
Drenching cold sweats, especially on forehead. Violent odourless diarrhoea with vomiting and cramps in fingers. No anxiety. Cramps in chest force patient from bed Veratrum album 30c
For further remedies see DIARRHOEA / DYSENTERY
First stage
Prophylactic for any disease ending in "ITIS"one dose at all first stage of inflammation Ferrum phos 30
Early stages, Aconite 30c
With sneezing and dripping nose, Natrum mur 30c
Thin, watery, burning discharge, chilliness, makes top lip sore, chilly, thirst for sips, Arsenicum 30c
Sudden violent onset, cold comes on after chill. Redness, heat and rawness of throat and nose. Violent, throbbing headache Belladonna30c
Second stage
With flu-like aching, thirstless, chills down spine, Gelsemium 30c
Slow development of symtoms, painful cough, severe headache. Dry lips and mouth thirst for large quantities of water, Bryonia 30c
Thick, bland, profuse discharge, thirst less, better for fresh air, patient wants sympathy, Pulsatilla 30c
Violent sneezing, yellow green mucous burns skin around nose and lips. Sore throat, hoarse voice, alwful taste in mouth Mercurious sol 30c
See also:
Slow to go, Silica 30c
Thick, yellow, stringy discharge, Kali bich 30c
Affects nose, ears and throat. Thick yellow green mucous. Chilly, wants to be covered, irritable, Hepar sulph 30c
Colds go to chest quicklythirst for cold drinks, may have bloody mucous, Phos 30c
On lips, Rhus tox 30c
See also:
On lips, mouth, caused by sun, Natrum mur 30c
On lips, Sepia 30c
If better for pressure or bending double, Colocynthis 30c
If better arching backwards, Dioscorea 30c
In teething children, Chamomilla 30c
Better bending double, Mag phos 30c
See also:
With fever and cramps, Nux vomica 30c
In breast or bottle-fed babies, Silica 30c
Better bending forwards, Belladonna 30c
Better lying still with knees up, Bryonia 30c
Bloated above the navel, China 30c
Bloated below the navel, Carbo veg 30c
If complaint comes on after humiliation, Staphisagria 30c also recommended:
Great fear Aconite 200c one or two doses then Aconite 200c every five to ten minutes until patient recovers
Severe injury, bleeding give Arnica 200c every five to ten minutes
Air hunger, desire to be fanned, patient feels cold, Carbo veg 30c
Beads of cold sweat on forehead and skin feels cold, Veratrum album 30c
With urge
With constant ineffectual urging, unfinished sensation, Nux vom 30c
Constipation in travellers, frequent urging, great straining and only small amounts of sticky faeces, Platina 30c
Large dry stool, with painful straining, Sulphur 30c
No urge
Great dryness / thirst, sometimes with headache, Bryonia 30c
See also:
During pregnancy, Nux vom 30c
With "shy" stool that slips back, Silica 30c
Hard, knotty stool, bloating and wind better for passing, craves sweets, Lycopodium 30c
Stools like sheep dung (small balls), Natrum mur 30c
If sensation of a lump, not better after stool, Sepia 30c
After exposure to dry, cold wind, Aconite 30c
Dry cough with chest pain and headache, Bryonia 30c
Dry at night, loose in the morning, Pulsatilla 30c
See also:
Loud, rattling, (whooping) cough with vomiting, Ant tart 30c
With blue face, vomiting mucus, Drosera 30C
With nosebleeds, Drosera 30c or Ipecac 30c
With hoarse / sore throat, Hepar sulph 30c
With blueness, stiffness, nausea, vomiting, Ipecac 30c
With ropy, sticky expectoration in the morning, Kali bich 30c
First choice, reduces accompanying fear, Aconite 30c
See also:
Attacks in the early hours, Hepar sulph 30c
On waking, with lump sensation, Lachesis 30c
Also recommended:
If Aconite fails, attack is around midnight, Spongia 30c
Burning when urinating, Apis 30c
Cutting / burning before, during after urination, Cantharis 30c
Burning during / after urination, worse if lying, Pulsatilla 30c
See also:
After sexual intercourse, Staphisagria 30c if symptoms persist consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
Before if fearful, Aconite 30c
Before fillings or extractions, Arnica 30c
Bleeding gums, after, Arnica 30c
To treat after effects of, Arnica 30c
Shooting nerve pain after, Hypericum 30c
Flu or cold symptoms after mercury fillings, Merc viv 30c
See also:
For sore, cut gums, Calendula 30c or Staphisagria 30c
With vomiting, caused by food poisoning, Arsenicum 30c
Like chopped spinach, with teething, Chamomilla 30c
With anticipatory anxiety, Gelsemium 30c
See also:
With anticipatory anxiety, Arg nit 30c
For exhaustion after, China 30c
Only on waking, Sulphur 30c
From cold, severe pain, restlessness, fear, Aconite 30c
Stinging pain, worse swallowing, Apis 30c
Throbbing pain, with high temperature, Belladonna 30c
Unbearable pain, worse windy weather, Chamomilla 30c
After swimming, Chamomilla 30c
With smelly blood-streaked discharge, Merc viv 30c
Itching inside ear, increased swallowing, Nux vomica 30c
Ear red externally, Pulsatilla 30c
After measles, Pulsatilla 30c
See also:
Throbbing pain in slow teethers, Calc carb 30c
Stitching pain, smelly discharge, Hepar sulph 30c
Stitching pain, worse left, Kali bich 30c
With sore throat, worse left side, Lachesis 30c
Spasmodic, shooting pain, Mag phos 30c
If blocked with hard wax, Silica 30c
With painful noises in the ear, Sulphur 30c
With diarrhoea / trembling / paralysis, Gelsemium 30c
See also: with diarrhoea / hurried feeling, Arg nit 30c
Better once exams begin, Lycopodium 30c
Following physical over-exertion, Arnica 30c
See also:
If after dehydration, China 30c
Also recommended: if nervous exhaustion, Kali phos 6x
upper and lower lids red and puffy, tears hot, Apis 30c thick, yellow smelly discharge, with a cold, Pulsatilla 30c with watering, caused by a blocked tear duct, Silica 30c see also: eyes red, smelly yellow discharge, Arg nit 30c
Also recommended:
Bathe in diluted tincture of Euphrasia or Hypercum
Fear after, Aconite 30c bruising and/or shock, Arnica 30c
Black eye, Ledum 30c
Also recommended:
If Arnica fails and injury is to eyeball itself, Symphytum 30c
If with feelings of anger, Staphisagria 30c
With weak vision, pains aching or burning, Ruta 30c
Particularly after meat, Arsenicum 30c
After bad fish, Pulsatilla 30c
See also:
If after shellfish, Lycopodium 30c
Burning fever with chills, restless, Arsenicum 30c
Feverish and irritable, lies very still, Bryonia 30c
Total physical prostration with shivering, Gelsemium 30c
Pains in bones, joints, chilliness, Nux Vomica 30c aching, with restlessness, red tipped tongue, Rhus Tox 30c
See also:
Pains in bones, back, legs, Ipecac 30c
Also recommended:
Bone pains, great thirst, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30c
If pain and swelling are severe, Arnica 30c
With shooting nerve pains, Hypericum 30c
If slightest movement causes severe pain, Bryonia 30c
Restless, feverish and /or chilled, diarrhoea, Arsenicum 30c
Mouth tastes bitter, Bryonia 30c
With chilliness and irritability, Nux vomica 30c
See also: constant nausea, not better for vomiting, Ipecac 30c
Also recommended:
With thirst before vomiting, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30c
Caused by pregnancy, Nux Vomica 30c
Also recommended:
If large, bleeding, Hamamelis 30c
If large, Kali Carb 30c
With burning, especially after stool, Nit ac 30c
Caused by cigarette smoke, Ignatia 30c
Indigestion after too much beer, Kali bich 30c
With sick headache and /or nausea, Nux Vomica 30c
From getting chilled, Aconite 30c
From shock / fright, Aconite 30c
With sudden, violent onset, Aconite 30c or Belladonna 30c
After over-excitement or exertion, Arsenicum 30c
After washing hair, Belladonna 30c
Throbbing headache during period, Belladonna 30c
Throbbing headache from too much sun ,Belladonna 30c
After change in the weather, Bryonia 30c
With dry cough, Bryonia 30c
With slow onset, Bryonia 30c or Gelsemium 30c
With violent pain at the back of the head, Gelsemium 30c
Due to grief, Ignatia 30c
Sensation as if a nail were driven into head, Ignatia 30c
In small spots, caused by sinusitus, Kali bich 30c
With a cold, Merc viv 30c or Nux vomica 30c
After too much rich food or alcohol, Nux vomica 30c
After loss of sleep, Nux vomica 30c
After eating ice-cream, Pulsatilla 30c
After change in the weather, especially to damp, Rhus tox 30c
After getting wet, Rhus tox 30c
From working in artificial light, Silica 30c
From draughts, Silica 30c
From travelling, Silica 30c
See also:
If before a thunderstorm, Phosphorus 30c
With hunger before or during, Phosphorus 30c
Due to grief, Natrum mur 30c
After eye-strain, Lycopodium 30c
Or Natrum mur 30c
From working in artificial light, Sepia 30c
Also recommended:
If due to disturbed sleep patterns, Cocculus 30c
If symptoms persist consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
Give immediately, Arnica 30c
Also recommended: if never been well since, Natrum sulph 30c
If symptoms persist consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
With fever, Apis 30c
With burning, itching, stinging, Rhus tox 30c
Head, Arnica 30c (see HEAD INJURIES)
Muscles, Arnica 30c (see also SPRAINS)
Soft tissue, Arnica 30c
Coccyx, Hypericum 30c
Spine, Hypericum 30c
Nerve-rich areas (e.g fingers / toes), Hypericum 30c
Bones, Ruta 30c (see also broken bones / fractures)
Palms of hands, Ledum 30c
Soles of feet, Ledum 30c
Tendons / ligaments, Rhus tox 30c or Ruta 30c
Shins or bones near surface, Ruta 30c
Also recommended:
For breasts /deep tissue, Bellis perennis 30c
Fear, Aconite 30c
Long-lasting after-effects, Arnica 30c
Shock, Arnica 30c
Splinters, Silica 30c
Before, reduces local reaction, Hypericum 30c, Ledum 30c
To treat the puncture wound, Ledum 30c
Shooting pains after, Hypericum 30c
Any other reactions consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
For exhaustion, Arnica 30c
With sense of paralysis, Gelsemium 30c
Also recommended:
For disturbed sleep patterns, Cocculus 30c
Sudden on-set with burning, itchy rash, Aconite 30c
With eye inflammation, Apis 30c or Pulsatilla 30c
Bright red rash with hot dry skin, Belladonna 30c
Slow onset, with headache or dry cough,Bryonia 30c face dark red, back of head aches, drowsy, Gelsemium 30c
Earache after measles, Pulsatilla 30c
See also:
With purulent discharge from eyes and / or ears, Kali bich 30c
Purple rash, slow to emerge, Sulphur 30c
Also recommended:
Burning tears, photophobia, Euphrasia 30c
Or bathe in diluted tincture
Late / scanty after a fright or becoming chilled, Aconite 30c
Hot, heavy blood loss, Belladonna 30c
Period late after getting feet wet, Pulsatilla 30c
Nausea and faintness with period pains, Nux vomica 30c
See also:
Constant nausea before and during period, Ipecac 30c
Pains worse before period starts, Lachesis 30c
Cramping pains, Mag phos 30c
Headaches before / during period, Natrum mur 30c
Bearing down pains, Sepia 30c
Caused by burn from hot food, Cantharis 30c
Painful, increased saliva, offensive breath, Merc viv 30c
Also recommended:
If on the tongue, Nit ac 30c
With fever, restlessness and anxiety, Aconite 30c
With high fever, painful hot parotids, Belladonna 30c
Hard, enlarged glands, worse on right, Merc Viv 30c
If breasts, ovaries or testicles are affected, Pulsatilla 30c
Swollen parotids, worse on left, Rhus Tox 30c
Better for heat, worse for cold, Silica 30c
See also:
If breasts, ovaries or testicles are affected, Carbo Veg 30c
Face red and swollen, worse left, Lachesis 30c,
Moving from right to left, Lycopodium 30c
After shock or injury, Arnica 30c
See also: with cough, Ipecac 30c
Inflammation of frontal sinuses, Merc viv 30c
Blocked up sensation, worse in a warm room, Pulsatilla 30c
Nose dry, blocked and sore, Silica 30c
See also:
Pain in spots, sticky yellow-green mucus, Kali bich 30c
With headache, worse on right side, Lycopodium 30c
To ease them out, Silica 30c
To reduce swelling, Arnica 30c
If worse for slightest movement, Bryonia 30c
Worse first, yet better continued movement, Rhus tox 30c
Worse lying on affected part, Ruta 30c
with sense of paralysis, Gelsemium 30c
See also:
With hurried feeling, Arg nit 30c
Better once performing, Lycopodium 30c
Caused by draughts, lifting, Rhus tox 30c
See also:
If caused by lifting, Calc carb 30c
If symptoms persist or there is high temperature, consult a qualified homoeopath or doctor
Eye is red, the lid is painful and swolllen, Apis 30c
Eye itches, lids sticky, yellow-green discharge, Pulsatilla 30c
If pus is present, (see SEPSIS)
Skin is dry, hot, red, throbbing, painful, Belladonna 30c
If severe, take as soon as possible, Cantharis 30c
With fever and / or headcahe,Belladonna 30c if symptoms much worse for movement,Bryonia 30c
Also recommended:
With faintness and headache better for pressure, Glonoine 30c
In preparation for, Arnica 30c
To counter the after-effects of, Arnica 30c
For surgical wounds with nerve pain, Hypericum 30c
After amputations, Hypericum 30c
See also:
For surgical wounds, Calendula 30c or Staphisagria 30c
After catheters, enemas, Staphisagria 30c
For bad reaction to anaesthetic, Phosphorus 30c
For painful trapped wind after surgery, China 30c
Also recommended:
If deep tissue is affected, Bellis perennis 30c
Red, hot cheeks, with restlessness, Aconite 30c
Red, hot swollen cheeks, Belladonna 30c
Red, hot cheek or cheeks, bad-tempered, Chamomilla 30c
With green stool, Chamomilla 30c
Better cold drinks, fresh air, Pulsatilla 30c
If teething is slow, Silica 30c
See also:
If teething is slow or delayed Calc carb, 30c
If better external heat, Mag phos 30c
better for vomiting, but finds it difficult, Nux vomica 30c
Also recommended:
Worse for fresh air, better lying down Cocculus 30c
With heavy head, worse for fresh air, Petroleum 30c
Better for fresh air, Tabacum 30c
With diarrhoea, Arsenicum 30c
Caused by over-indulgence, Nux vomica 30c
In breast or bottle-fed babies, Silica 30c
See also:
With retching cough, Ant Tart 30c (see COUGHS)
After, for exhaustion caused by dehydration, China 30c
With cough, vomiting mucus, Drosera 30c (see COUGHS)
Worse for coughing, Ipecac 30c (see COUGHS)
With constant nausea, not relieved by vomiting, Ipecac 30c
If approximately 15 minutes after cold drink, Phosphorus 30c
With shooting nerve pain, Hypericum 30c
Deep ligament / tendon injuries, possible tearing, Ruta 30c
With teeth grinding Cina 30c
Cuts, grazes, sores, Calendula 30c
Incised, clean cuts, Hypericum 30c
Lacerations, Hypericum 30c
See also:
For surgical wounds, Staphisagria 30c
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Please consult a naturopath or your doctor before taking natural remedies if you are on medication or if symptoms persist.
Carina Harkin BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom.BHSc.Acu.
Cert IV TAE. ARCHTI mem.