Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Patterns
Traditional chinese medicine describes imbalances in the body & mind. Diagnosing insomnia as Yin Deficiency or Blood deficiency with heat harassing the heart causing shen disturbance.
TCM utilises a different language to describe imbalances in the body & mind. A western medical doctor may diagnose as insomnia, for example, a TCM practitioner might diagnose as Yin Deficiency or Blood deficiency with heat harassing the heart causing shen disturbance.
Most diagnoses in Chinese medicine are more relational than particular in that they account for the entire set of signs and symptoms a person is experiencing not just the main complaint. For example, if two people are experiencing insomnia they both have the same western diagnosis, however ,one may have Yin deficiency and the other person may have Yang deficiency signs.
TCM would apply a treatment protocol for each individual that would account for their set of symptoms but would also treat their insomnia. In other words, in TCM there is not a set treatment for insomnia but a range of diagnoses which contain insomnia as a major indicator.
Below you will find some of the most basic TCM patterns with their related signs and symptoms, tongue and pulse indications, meridian relationships and contributing factors.
Deficiency Patterns:
Qi Deficiency
Yang Deficiency
Yin Deficiency
Blood Deficiency
Excess Patterns:
Cold - Excess Yin
Heat - Excess Yang
Mixed Patterns:
- Qi Stagnation
- Blood Stagnation
- Dampness
- Sinking Qi
- Perversion of Qi
General TCM Patterns
Deficiency Patterns
Qi Deficiency
fatigue, loose stools, poor appetite, dizziness, pale face, weak voice/reluctance to speak, sweating with little/no exertion
Tongue pale
Pulse empty
Meridians Spleen, Kidney, Lung, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, KD 3, LU 9
Factors poor diet, over work, psychological stress, old age
Yang Deficiency
chills, cold limbs, inability to get warm, loose tools, profuse clear urine, spontaneous sweating, lassitude
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse slow, deep, weak
Meridians Spleen, Kidney, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 3, KD 3, CV 4, CV 6, GV 4, UB 32
Factors poor diet, over work, psychological stress, old age
Yin Deficiency
heat in the hands, feet a/or chest, malor flush, night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes
Tongue red w/little or no coat
Pulse thin, rapid
Meridians Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Heart, & Lung
Points SP 6, KD 6, CV 4, PC 7
Factors psychological stress, over thinking, alcohol, spicy foods
Blood Deficiency
dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, dry skin a/or hair, poor memory, paleness, fatigue, scanty periods
Tongue pale, thin, dry
Pulse thin, choppy
Meridians Spleen, Liver, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, LV 3, UB 11, UB 17
Factors excessive menstruation, blood loss due to internal medical issues, spleen deficiency, emotional strain
Excess Patterns
Cold (Excess Yin)
chills w/no sweating, lack of thirst, clear urine, aversion to cold, loose stools, fatigue
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse slow, deep, tight
Meridians Stomach, & Large Intestine
Points ST 36, GV 4, CV 4, CV 6
Factors arises when cold enters the body and consumes the yang, can arise from internal or external factors
Heat (Excess Yang)
agitation, anger, insomnia w/nightmares, fever, red face/head, constipation, desire for cold drinks
Tongue red, dry, w/yellow coat
Pulse rapid, full
Meridians Liver, & Stomach
Points LV 3, ST 41, SP 10, KD 6
Factors excessive diet w/fried foods a/or alcohol, psychological stress
Mixed Patterns
Qi Stagnation
distention, pains that move around, depression, irritability
Tongue purple
Pulse wiry
Meridians Liver
Points LI 4, LV 3, ST 36, GB 20
Factors physical trauma, poor diet, depression, opportunistic infections
Blood Stagnation
pain that is fixed, stabbing a/or severe, dark complexion, fixed masses, bleeding w/clots, purple lips/nails
Tongue purple
Pulse wiry, choppy
Meridians Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, SP 10, UB 40, UB 17
Factors physical trauma, longer term qi and blood deficiencies, or excesses of hot or cold
heaviness of the head/body, dizziness, poor appetite, stuffy chest, excessive mucus, poor health
Tongue sticky coating
Pulse slippery, slow
Meridians Spleen, Stomach, & Lung
Points ST 36, ST 40, SP 6, SP 9, ST 8
Factors poor diet particularly with cold/raw foods, over work, damp living/working conditions
Sinking Qi
sensations of bearing down, any prolapses, fatigue
Tongue pale
Pulse empty
Meridians Stomach, Urinary Bladder, & Governing Vessel
Points GV 20, CV 6, ST 21 (Stomach prolapse), GV 1 (Anal prolapse)
Factors longer term qi deficiency
Qi Perversion
belching, cough/asthma, diziness/headache, vertigo (depends on primary meridian)
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse wiry, choppy
Meridians Spleen, Stomach, Lung, & Liver
Points LU 7, LV 3, ST 36, GB 20
Factors can be caused by excess, deficiencies, a/or dampness
TCM Conditions Glossary
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a unique form of medicine supported by many theories unfamiliar to many of us in the west.
Many people who visit an acupuncturist may be told that they have Qi Deficiency or Liver Qi Stagnation.
These "patterns" are behind the formulation of your treatment protocol. For most western medical disorders such as depression, there are a host of related TCM diagnoses which contain depression as a main indicator.
Outside of the TCM patterns and channel imbalances there are a number of TCM conditions that are described in terms more akin to the western way of labelling a condition. Panic attacks, for example, are commonly described as running piglet disorder in TCM theory.
Some of the common conditions that TCM has unique names for are described below. In most cases, there is no set treatment protocol for any of the conditions listed here but the terms are used in a variety of texts, theories and point function descriptions.
- Bi Syndromes
- 5 Types of Lin Disorders
- Plum Pit Qi
- Restless Zang Disorder
- Running Piglet Disorder
- Shan Disorder
- Steaming Bone Disorder
- Wasting and Thirsting Disorder
TCM Disorders Glossary
Bi Syndromes
Bi Syndrome refers to an obstruction of the circulation of Qi and Blood in the channels usually caused by the invasion of pathogenic factors (cold/wind/damp) in the muscles, tendons, bones & joints, causing soreness, pain, numbness or a heavy sensation. Western conditions such as arthritis are related to this pattern.
5 Types of Lin Disorders
General term for urinary disorders involving frequency, dribbling, urgency a/or painful issues. Western conditions such as kidney stones are related to this pattern.
Plum Stone Qi
A subjective sensation of blockage a/or constriction of the throat. Common in disorders with a clear emotional aspect coupled with Qi stagnation. This is often seen in anxiety disorders.
Restless Zang Disorder
TCM term for emotional disorders resulting from long-term overthinking and overworrying which over time injures the SP, HT and LV and may give rise to unpredicatable a/or inappropriate emotional responses.
Running Piglet Disorder
TCM term which some consider similar to a western panic attack. The issue is seen in stagnant LV conditions where the Qi will rise up and interfere with the Heart/Chest causing palpitations, anxiety, fear a/or dizziness.
Shan Disorder
TCM term which generally designates hernia disorders, but mentioned in cases of hernia, issues w/external genitalia (swelling, pain), and abdominal pain that presents with stagnation issues (constipation, incomplete a/or difficulty urinating).
Steaming Bone Disorder
TCM term describing a condition of deep internal heat arising from severe yin deficiency. The patient will describe a heat that seems to come from the bones.
Wasting and Thirsting Disorder:
TCM term nearly equivalent to Diabetes. Characterized by frequent urination, excessive thirst a/or hunger, and possibly emaciation.
Organ Patterns:
Yin Meridians:
TCM Disharmonies related to the Heart Meridian.
Excess Patterns
- Heart Fire
- Phlegm Misting the Mind (Heart)
- Heart Blood Stagnation
Deficiency Patterns
- Heart Blood Deficiency
- Heart Qi Deficiency
- Heart Yin Deficiency
- Heart Yang Deficiency & Yang Collapse
Excess Patterns
HT Fire - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Palpitations, thirst, tongue/mouth ulcers, restlessness, red complexion, bitter taste in the mouth (esp. if after a poor night of sleep, if during day may be more LV), other heat signs
Red w/yellow coat, red points on tip
Full, rapid, overflowing (esp. in HT position)
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modfications and additions
HT 9 - dispersing HT excesses
HT 8 - cool the HT
HT 7 - more for HT Blood & Yin Deficiency but has a positive effect on nearly all heart disharmonies
CV 15 - calm the spirit
SP 6 - protect the Yin (could leave out)
KD 6 - protect the Yin (could leave out)
PC 8 - cool heat in the heart
PC 7 - cool heat
If LV Fire Blazing - LV 2
If LV Yang Risigin - GV 20
Phlegm Fire - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
More serious than HT Fire, mental confusion, lack of mental clarity, palpitations, restlessness, incoherent speech, rash behavior, tendency towards hitting a/or scolding people, uncontrollable laughter a/or crying, manic depression, asphasia (in extreme cases)
Red w/yellow greasy coat, possibly red points on tip a/or a deep midline crack running to the tip
Full, slippery
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
PC 5 - empirical point for phlegm misting the HT
HT 9 - dispersing HT excesses
HT 8 - cool the HT
HT 7 - more for HT Blood & Yin Deficiency but has a positive effect on nearly all heart disharmonies
PC 7 - empty fire or heat in the HT, alternating laughing/crying
CV 15 - calm the spirit
UB 15 - HT Shu
CV 12 - ST Mu, resolve phelgm
ST 40 - resolve phlegm
GV 20 a/or Yintang - clear the mind
Phlegm Misting the Mind (Heart) - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Phlegm signs w/o heat, mental confusion, unconsciousness, rattling sound in the throat, asphasia, vomiting
Thick greasy coat
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
HT 9 - jing well, restore consciousness
PC 5 - empirical point for phlegm misting the HT
UB 15 - HT Shu
ST 40 - resolve phlegm
CV 12 - ST Mu, resolve phlegm
UB 20 - SP Shu, useful in more chronic patterns to tonify SP and resolve dampness
GV 26 - clear the mind a/or restore consciousness
GV 20 - assist GV 26 to clear and move the mind
HT Blood Stagnation - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Angina, chest oppression, HT Pain which may radiate down to the left arm or to shoulder (emotionally a/or physiologically related), palpitations, cyanosis of the lips (in more severe cases)
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
PC 6 - open and relax the chest, calm spirit
PC 4 - xicleft, move stagnant Blood in the chest
HT 7 - benefit HT, calm the spirit
CV 17 - PC Mu, hui meeting of Qi, move stagnant Qi in the chest
UB 14 - PC Shu
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
SP 10 - move Blood
Could use SP 4 w/PC 6 (above) to influence Blood via the Chong Mai
Deficiency Patterns
HT Blood Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, anxiety, easily startled, poor memory, poor concentration, dull pale complexion, lips are likely to be pale
Pale, possibly thin and maybe dry
Thin or choppy (many times felt in the HT position)
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
HT 7 - calm the spirit
PC 6 - calm the spirit
CV 14 - HT Mu, effect HT Blood
CV 15 - calm the spirit
CV 4 - tonify Blood, grounding point
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
UB 20 - SP Shu
Could add UB 15 - HT Shu, tonify HT Blood
Could add SP 6 - tonify SP, nourish Blood
HT Qi Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Palpitations on exertion, spontaneous sweating, fatigue
Pale, possibly a midline crack down to the tip
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
HT 5 - luo point, tonify HT Qi
PC 6 - w/HT 5 can tonify HT Qi, useful for regulating the Qi of the HT
UB 15 - HT Shu
CV 17 - PC Mu, tonify upper warmer (can use moxa)
CV 6 - tonify Qi
HT Yin Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Similar to Blood Deficiency but with more anxiety and restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, easily startled, poor memory, fidgeting, mallor flush, night sweats, heat in the 5 palms, dry mouth
Red or peeled w/no coat
Floating, empty or Thin, fast
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
HT 7 - tonify HT Yin
PC 6 - calm the spirit
CV 14 - HT Mu
CV 15 - calm the spirit
CV 4 - tonify Yin
SP 6 - tonify Yin
HT 6 - empirical point for night sweats
KD 6 - tonify Yin
KD 7 - tonify KD
Yintang - calm the spirit, aid insomnia and dizziness
GV 20 - clear the mind, aid memory and concentration
HT Yang Deficiency & Yang Collapse
General Signs & Symptoms
Similar symptoms to HT Qi Deficiency (palpitations on exertion, fatique, spontenous sweating) but with cold limbs, feeling of cold, bright pale face
HT Yang Collapse: more serious, patient needs to go to the hospital, severe palpitations, weak and shallow breathing, cyanosis of the lips
Pale, wet & swollen - (HT Yang Collapse - Pale or Purple)
Deep, weak, possibly knotted - (HT Yang Collapse - Hidden, minute or very knotted)
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
HT Yang Deficiency (same as HT Qi Deficiency above with the addition of GV 14 w/moxa to tonify HT Yang
HT 5 - luo point, tonify HT Qi
PC 6 - w/HT 5 can tonify HT Qi, useful for regulating the Qi of the HT
UB 15 - HT Shu
CV 17 - PC Mu, tonify upper warmer (can use moxa)
CV 6 - tonify Qi
HT Yang Collapse (use lots of moxa to restore yang)
CV 4 - tonify Qi
CV 6 - tonify Qi
CV 8 - tonify Qi
GV 4 - tonify Yang
UB 23 - KD Shu, tonify KD Yang
ST 36 - tonify Qi
PC 6 - tonify Qi in the upper warmer
UB 15 - HT Shu
GV 14 - tonify yang of the body
Kidney Meridian Disharmonies - TCM Theory
TCM Disharmonies related to the Kidney Meridian
Excess Patterns
There are no excess kidney patterns.
Deficiency Patterns
- Kidney Qi Deficiency
- Kidney Yin Deficiency
- Kidney Yang Deficiency
- Kidney Yin Deficiency
- Kidney Jing Deficiency
Deficiency Patterns
KD Qi Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
SOB, ashtma, cold limbs, weak back a/or knees, copious clear urination, incontinence, night-time urination.
Deep, weak possibly tight
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
UB 23 - KD Shu
GV 4 - tonify Yang
CV 4 - tonify Yang
KD 3 - tonify KD
UB 52 - tonify KD, effect willpower
Below are especially useful if lung symptoms predominate
LU 7 w/KD 6 - yin qiao ren mai, effect lu/kd communication
CV 17 - tonify upper warmer
KD 7 - tonify KD Yang
KD Yin Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, sore back, constipation, may also have empty heat signs, mallor flush, night sweats, heat in the 5 palms, insomnia, dry throat
Red w/no coat, may have horizontal cracks, red tip w/empty fire
Floating, empty, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
KD 3 - tonify KD
KD 6 - nourish KD Yin, could add LU 7, yin qiao ren mai
SP 6 - nourish Yin
CV 4 - nourish Yin
If empty heat is effecting the mind - HT 7 a/or KD 9
Urinary issues - KD 10
KD Yang Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Sore a/or weak back/knees, sensation of cold, aversion to cold, weak lower limbs, lassitude, clear copious urine, poor appetite, loose stools, oedema (which can be severe)
Pale, swollen, wet possibly a white coat with strong water signs
Deep, weak possibly slow with strong water signs
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
UB 23 - KD Shu
GV 4 - tonify Yang
CV 4 - tonify Yang
CV 6 - tonify Qi
KD 3 - tonify KD
KD 7 - tonify KD Yang
UB 52 - tonify KD, strengthen willpower
For strong water signs consider the following:
UB 13 - LU Shu
UB 15 - HT Shu
UB 20 - SP Shu
UB 22 - TH Shu, major point for water regulation
ST 28 - move fluids in the lower warmer
SP 9 - resolve dampness
LU 7 - upper body edema
KD Jing Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
In children poor physical a/or mental development will be seen, in adults a weakening of the bones, teeth, back a/or knees, memory problems, a/or a lowering of the libido/ability can be seen
Red, peeled
Floating, empty
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
KD 3 - tonify KD
KD 6 - tonify KD Yin
CV 4 - tonify Yin
GV 4 - tonify Yang (Dr. So indicates no moxa on this point for males under 20)
UB 23 - KD Shu
GB 39 - hui meeting of the marrow
UB 11 - hui meeting of the bones
GV 20 & GV 16 - sea of marrow points, direct marrow to the brain
Liver Meridian Disharmonies - TCM Theory
Excess Patterns:
- Liver Qi Stagnation
- Liver Blood Stagnation
- Liver Cold Stagnation
- Liver Fire
- Liver Wind
- Liver Yang
- Damp Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
Deficiency Patterns
- Liver Blood Deficiency
Excess Patterns
LV Qi Stagnation - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Chest distention, hypochondriac pain a/or distention, sighing, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, diarrhea, depression, moodiness, plum pit qi, PMS, breast tenderness, painful a/or irregular menstruation
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 3 - move LV Qi
GB 34 - move LV Qi, works well with LV 3
LV 13 - SP Mu, esp. if food stagnation a/or strong LV/SP involvement
LV 14 - LV Mu
TH 6 - move Qi in the lateral/costal area, cools heat in the intestines
PC 6 - harmonize emotions, open the chest, PMS a/or breast tenderness
LV Blood Stagnation - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Abdominal pain, palpable masses in the abdomen, irregular a/or painful menstruation possible with dark clots, purple nails, purple lips
Purple, possibly w/purple spots
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 3 - move LV Qi
GB 34 - move LV Qi, works well with LV 3
UB 17 - huimeeting of the Blood, move Blood
UB 18 - LV Shu, move Blood in the middle warmer
SP 10 - move Blood in the lower abdomen
SP 6 - move Blood in the lower abdomen
LV Cold Stagnation - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Pain in the genital area, general cold signs
Pale, wet, white coat
Wiry, deep, slow
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 1 - connects w/genital area, moves Qi in the area
LV 5 - connects w/genital area, clear damp-heat
CV 3 - w/moxa to eliminate cold in the lower warmer
LV Fire - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Headache, irritability, explosive anger, dizziness, tinnitus, bitter taste in the mouth, red face, red eyes, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation
Red, dry w/yellow coat, possibly redder along the LV/GB area
Wiry, full, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 2 - clear LV Fire
LV 3 - resolve LV Qi stagnation, esp. if stagnation is the origin of the Fire
GB 20 - descend the yang, clear the head
Taiyang - headache, clear the head
GB 13 - psycho-emotional aspects of LV fire
Could add LI 4 if head symptoms are predominate
LV Wind - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Can come from LV Blood Deficiency, LV Yang Rising or from Internal heat (discussed here), muscle spasms, convulsions, high fever, fairly serious condition
Red, stiff w/thick yellow coat
Wiry, rapid, full
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 2 - clear LV Fire
LV 3 - resolve LV Qi stagnation
GV 16 - expel wind from the head
GB 20 - expel wind from the head
GV 20 - clear head
SI 3 w/UB 62 - yang qiao du mai - descend the yang
LV Yang - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Stroke, asphasia, dizziness, twitching
Red, peeled possibly deviated
Floating, empty or Wiry, fine, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 3 - nourish LV Yin & Blood
LV 8 - nourish LV Yin & Blood
SP 6 - nourish Yin and Blood
UB 18 - LV Shu
KD 3 - nourish KD Yin
GV 16 - expel wind from the head
GB 20 - expel wind from the head
Damp Heat in the LV & GB - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Chest a/or hypochondriac pain/distention, jaundice, fever, bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling a/or itching of the genitals
Red w/yellow sticky coat
Slippery, wiry, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 14 - LV Mu
GB 24 - GB Mu
UB 18 - LV Shu
UB 19 - GB Shu
GV 9 - LV/GB damp heat, jaundice
CV 12 - ST Mu, tonify middle warmer
SP 3 - tonify SP
SP 6 - tonify SP
SP 9 - clear damp
LV 2 - clear LV heat
LI 11 - clear heat
Deficiency Patterns
LV Blood Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Numbness in the extremities, tics, tremors, dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, insomnia, dry skin/hair, scanty or lack of menstruation
Pale, thin, dry
Thin, choppy
General Treatment Points:
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LV 3 - move LV
LV 8 - nourish LV Blood
SP 6 - nourish Yin and Blood
KD 3 - nourish KD Yin
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
UB 18 - LV Shu, tonify Blood
UB 20 - SP Shu
UB 23 - KD Shu
GB 20 - clear the head, descend the yang
GV 20 - clear the head, descend the yang
Lung Meridian Disharmonies - TCM Theory
Excess Patterns
Wind-Cold Invasion
Wind-Heat Invasion
Damp-Phlegm Obstructing
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing
Deficiency Patterns
Lung Qi Deficiency
Lung Yin Deficiency
Lung Dryness
Excess Patterns
Wind-Cold Invasion - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Fever & chills w/chills predominating, body ache, stuffy nose w/clear runny mucus, sneezing, scratchy throat, lack of sweat, possibly a headache
Thin white coat
Floating, possibly a little tight
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 7 - release the exterior
Could add LI 4 w/LU 7 to release the exterior and clear the face
UB 12 - expel wind
GV 16 - usually only w/posterior headache
Could include UB 13 - LU Shu
If stuffy nose - LI 20
If scratchy throat a/or light cough - CV 22
Wind-Heat Invasion - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Fever & chills w/fever predominating, sore throat, stuffy a/or runny nose w/yellow discharge, headache, slight sweating, thirst
Tongue Thin yellow coat or Thin white coat w/tip and edges being slightly red
Floating, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LI 4 - clear wind-heat, esp. from face
LI 11 - clear heat
GV 14 - clear wind-heat, release the exterior
UB 12 - wind
GV 16 - w/posterior headache, may leave out
GB 20 - w/headache, may leave out
If severe sore throat - LU 10
If high fever w/sore throat - bloodlet LU 11
Damp-Phlegm Obstructing - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Chronic cough which comes in bouts, profuse white sputum that is easy to expectorate, fullness of the chest, asthma is possible, can be either a chronic or acute condition
Thick sticky white coat
Slippery or Weak, floating & fine
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 5 - resolve phlegm
LU 7 - restore descending function of the lungs, alleviate cough
LU 1 - LU Mu, clear excess, asthma, resolve phlegm
ST 40 - resolve phlegm
CV 17 - restore descending function of the lungs
CV 22 - esp. w/severe symptoms of coughing a/or wheezing
PC 6 - open the chest, usually used with emotionally related breathing constriction, could leave out
UB 13 - LU Shu
If chronic, tonify SP - UB 20, SP Shu
If chronic, tonify ST/SP - CV 12, ST Mu
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Barking cough, SOB, asthma, chest oppression, yellow/green mucus (main difference from damp-phlegm above)
Red, thick sticky yellow coat
Slippery, rapid, full
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 5 - resolve phlegm
LU 7 - restore descending function of the lungs, alleviate cough
LU 1 - LU Mu, clear excess, asthma, resolve phlegm
ST 40 - resolve phlegm
Could add CV 12 - ST Mu, to assist ST 40 in resolving phlegm
LI 11 - clear heat
LU 10 - clear heat in the lungs
Deficiency Patterns
LU Qi Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Fatigue, SOB, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, catch colds easily/frequently, pale complexion
Pale, slightly swollen
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 9 - tonify LU Qi
LU 7 - restore circulation of LU Qi
UB 13 - LU Shu
GV 12 - can add in severe cases to reinforce UB 13
ST 36 - tonify Qi
CV 6 - tonify Qi
If upper warmer is deficient - CV 17 w/moxa
If upper warmer is severely deficient - UB 43
LU Yin Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Dry cough possibly w/blood tinged sputum, dry throat a/or mouth, hoarseness, night sweats, mallor flush
Red, no coat, probably peeled, horizontal cracks in the LU area possible
Thin, rapid or Floating, empty
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 9 - yuan source, can be used to tonify Yin as well as Qi
CV 17 - tonify upper warmer, descend LU Qi
UB 43 - tonify Qi and Yin of the lungs, esp. in severe a/or chronic cases
UB 13 - LU Shu, tonify LU Qi & Yin, stop cough
CV 4 - tonify Yin
KD 6 - tonify KD Yin
CV 12 - ST Mu, ST is the origin of the fluids
LU 10 - clear empty heat in the LU
If chronic - GV 12, clear heat in the LU
LU Dryness
General Signs & Symptoms
Not as severe as LU Yin Deficiency, dry cough, dry throat, hoarseness, dry skin
Empty, possibly Floating, empty
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
LU 9 - moisten the LU
CV 4 - tonify Yin
SP 6 - tonify Yin
CV 12 - ST Mu, ST is the origin of the fluids
Could add KD 7 to send mist back up to moisten the LU, KD 6 would work as well
Spleen Meridian Disharmonies - TCM Theory
Excess Patterns
- Damp-cold
- Damp-heat
Deficiency Patterns
- Spleen Qi Deficiency
- Spleen Qi Sinking
- Spleen Qi not controlling the Blood
- Spleen Yang Deficiency
Excess Patterns
Damp-cold - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Poor appetite, chest a/or epigastric oppression, sensation of cold in the abdomen which feels better with the application of heat, heavy head a/or body, lack of thirst, loose stools
Thick sticky white coat
Slippery, slow
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
SP 9 - resolve damp
SP 6 - tonify SP
CV 12 - ST Mu, tonify ST/SP
SP 3 - tonify SP Qi
ST 8 - clear the head
Damp-heat - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Epigastric a/or abdominal oppression, lack of appetite, heavy body, thirst with little/no desire to drink, abdominal pain, loose stools with strong odor possibly w/burning anus, nausea, vomiting, fever, headache
Yellow sticky coat
Slippery, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
SP 9 - resolve dampness
SP 6 - tonify SP
UB 20 - SP Shu
LI 11 - clear heat
GB 34 - clear damp-heat, nausea a/or vomiting
Deficiency Patterns
SP Qi Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Poor appetite, distention after eating, weakness of the four limbs, fatigue, loose stools
Pale, swollen w/teethmarks
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
CV 12 - ST Mu, distention after eating
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
SP 6 - tonify SP Qi
SP 3 - best with dampness in the channels, could leave this out
UB 20 - SP Shu
UB 21 - ST Shu
SP Qi Sinking
General Signs & Symptoms
Same symptoms as SP Qi Deficiency above but with prolapses of the stomach, uterus, anus a/or vagina along with frequency a/or urgency of urination
Empty or weak
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
Same points as SP Qi Deficiency with the following additions to raise the Qi
GV 20 - w/moxa to raise the Qi
CV 6 - tonify Qi
if Stomach prolapse - ST 21
if Anal prolapse - GV 1
SP Qi not controlling the Blood
General Signs & Symptoms
Same symptoms as SP Qi Deficiency above but with bleeding issues such as hemorrhages, vaginal bleeding, bleeding under the skin
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
Same points as SP Qi Deficiency with the following additions to control Bleeding
SP 1 - empirical point for bleeding (w/moxa)
SP 10 - control Blood
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
SP Yang Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
A further progression of SP Qi Deficiency above with more cold signs, cold limbs, chilliness, edema (more in the middle wawrmer)
Pale, wet, swollen w/teethmarks
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
Same points as SP Qi Deficiency but you would use moxa and add the following points to further tonify the SP
SP 9 - resolve dampness
CV 9 - resolve dampness in the middle warmer
ST 28 - resolve dampness in the lower warmer
UB 22 - TH Shu, effect fluids in the lower and middle warmers
Yang meridians
Stomach Meridian Disharmonies - TCM Theory
TCM Disharmonies related to the Stomach Meridian
Excess Patterns
- Stomach Fire
- Stomach Excess Cold
- Stomach Rebellious Qi
- Stomach Food Retention
Deficiency Patterns
- Stomach Qi Deficiency
- Stomach Yin Deficiency
Excess Patterns
ST Fire - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Constant hunger, painful, swollen a/or bleeding gums, regurgitation a/or vomiting likely after eating, burning sensation in the epigastrium, nausea, constipation
Red, dry w/thick yellow coat
Full, deep, rapid
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
PC 6 - descend rebellious Qi, nausea, calm the spirit
SP 6 - tonify Yin
CV 12 - ST Mu
ST 21 - assist CV 12, clear heat
CV 13 - descend rebellious Qi
ST 44 - ying spring, water point, clear heat from the channel
ST 45 - clear heat from the face/mouth, calm the spirit
ST Excess Cold - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Usually an acute situation, acute pain in the epigastrium which feels better with warm foods/drinks a/or the application of heat and worse with cold
Thick white coat
Deep, slow, tight
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
ST 34 - xi cleft, acute epigastric pain
CV 12 - ST Mu
ST 21 - assist CV 12
SP 4 - severe epigastric a/or abdominal pain
ST Rebellious Qi - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Pattern usually appears with ST a/or other organ patterns and is related to the ST not descending the Qi, regurgitation, belching, hiccups, vomiting
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
CV 12 - ST Mu
CV 13 - descend ST Qi
CV 10 - descend ST Qi, lower ST issues
SP 4 w/PC 6 - yin wei chong mai
ST Food Retention - excess pattern
General Signs & Symptoms
Vomiting, regurgitation, belching, epigastric pain a/or distention, lack of appetite, insomnia
Thick yellow or white coat
Full, slippery
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
CV 12 - ST Mu
ST 21 - assist CV 12
SP 4 w/PC 6 - yin wei chong mai
ST 44 - ying spring, water point, clear heat from the channel
ST 45 - clear heat from the face/mouth, calm the spirit
Deficiency Patterns
ST Qi Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Poor appetite, lack of taste, dull sensation in the epigastrium, weak limbs, tiredness, loose stools
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
CV 6 - tonify Qi
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
CV 12 - ST Mu
UB 21 - ST Shu
ST Yin Deficiency
General Signs & Symptoms
Epigastric pain, poor appetite, heat in the 5 palms, constipation, dry mouth a/or throat, thirst w/no desire to drink
Red or peeled in the ST/SP area
Floating, empty
General Treatment Points
Maciocia Treatment Points w/Valaskatagis commentary, modifications and additions
SP 6 - nourish Yin
CV 4 - nourish Yin
ST 44 - clear empty heat
PC 6 - calm the spirit
CV 12 - ST Mu
ST 36 - tonify ST
For further details contact Carina
Acupuncture Treatment