Is drinking water safe to drink?. Unfortunately no, there are over 2,000 contaminants in the water coming from our water taps, many of them are carcinogenic. Why you should avoid reverse osmosis.
Water Articles
Irish Water have consecutively failed to meet safety standards for bromate, nickel, nitrite, copper, pesticides, arsenic, fluoride, lead, trihalomethanes (THM)
The water-borne pathogen cryptosporidium was detected in Dublin’s water supply in February 2012. The council said it had notified the Health Service Executive & the Environmental Protection Agency of the findings. It is not uncommon to find minute traces of cryptosporidium in the water supply, noting that there were five such finds in Dublin last year and three in January this year.
Lead contaminantion of water is a major health concern & may cause a range of health effects, from behavioural problems & learning disabilities to seizures & death.
Your bottled water has likely contained arsenic. In August 2019 all bottled water brands produced by Irish company Celtic Pure have been recalled by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland due to the presence of the arsenic. Why take the risk in buying bottled water when you can filter tap water?
Last time it was the dreaded Cryptosporidium , an insidious little critter that was the cause of a numerous bouts of gastroenteritis. Well to combat that problem it seems that the cure may be worse than the original problem.