Hexaflourosilicic acid is a toxic & corrosive industrial waste by-product derived from the scrubbings of the factory chimneys of the super-phosphate fertiliser industry. Carahealth have been specialising in fluirde removal since 2008.
Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Drinking Water
Fluoride or Fluorosilicic acid is a corrosive chemical agent, derived from toxic gases produced in the manufacture of phosphoric acid & phosphate fertilisers, why is fluoride in our drinking water.
Endemic skeletal fluorosis is a chronic metabolic bone & joint disease caused by ingesting large amounts of fluoride either through water or rarely from foods of endemic areas. Fluoride is a cumulative toxin which can alter accretion & resorption of bone tissue. It also affects the homeostasis of bone mineral metabolism.
East African immigrants to Scandinavia are admitted to mental hospitals far more frequently than native Scandinavians. Most of these patients are admitted for psychosis, commonly ascribed to problems adapting to the new culture.
What is fluoride & where does it come from?. Water fluoridation is a controversial technique whereby fluoride is added to the public water supply because of the purported dental health benefits.
Fluorosilicic acid is the most corrosive chemical agent known to man. It is derived from toxic gases produced in the manufacture of phosphoric acid & phosphate fertilisers. Ireland is one of the only countries in Europe to fluoridate it’s water supply. 98% of Europe either stopped, rejected or banned it.
Recent evidence suggests that fluoride (F) and arsenic (As) in drinking water may adversely affect intelligence quotient (IQ) scores.
A new study has found that the protective shield fluoride forms on teeth is up to 100 times thinner than previously believed, raising the question about whether it actually works.
Significantly more mottling was found in the optimal fluoride area, according to both indices, although the TF index demonstrated the difference more clearly. The social class had no effect on the prevalence of mottling in the optimal fluoride area. A total of 600 children aged 8-10 years, in three groups of 200 each, formed the study group.
To assess the roles of dietary protein (Pr) and calcium (Ca) level associated with excessive fluoride (F) intake and the impact of dietary Pr, Ca, and F on thyroid function, 144 30-day-old Wistar albino rats were randomly allotted to six groups of 24 (female:male = 1:1).
The new recommendations based on topical rather than systemic fluoride application are better for preventive, toxicological, psychological and didactic reasons and should be implemented as soon as possible.
A new study has found that the protective shield fluoride forms on teeth is up to 100 times thinner than previously believed.
Our exploratory analysis found an association between fluoride exposure in drinking water during childhood & the incidence of osteosarcoma among males but not consistently among females. Further research is required to confirm or refute this observation.
The issues related to fluoridation of water or fortification of toothpaste with compounds of fluorides are controversial. Fluoride is stored mainly in the bones, where it increases the density and changes the internal architecture, makes it osteoporotic and more prone to fractures.
Ding Y, YanhuiGao, Sun H, Han H, Wang W, Ji X, Liu X, Sun D., The relationships between low levels of urine fluoride on children's intelligence, dental fluorosis in endemic fluorosis areas in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China. J Hazard Mater. 2011 Feb 28;186(2-3):1942-6. Epub 2010 Dec 25.